PiYo vs 21 Day Fix Workout Differences

If you are looking for a quick and easy, but intense way to drop a few pounds, I would like you to read about two of my favorite workouts. Let’s compare Charlene Johnson and her PiYo program to Autumn Calabrese who designed the 21 Day Fix.

I will tell you about some of the highlights on two of the best programs out there for quick weight loss.

Who Were the Programs Created for?

The PiYo program was created for anyone that wants to get into shape. You don’t need to be a seasoned athlete as it is described as a program for beginner/ intermediate exercisers.

If you are familiar with yoga and pilates, you will enjoy this program and will benefit greatly from it.

piyo review

The 21 Day Fix program was designed for people that have a deadline to meet and need to get into shape by a certain date.

Maybe you are having a 20-year class reunion or getting married in a month. This program is for you.
You will eat a portion controlled diet and have 30-minute workouts so there is very little to think about except dropping some weight.

Type of Diet You Will Follow with Each Program

start 21 day fix
The 21 Day Fix food plan is done with 21 day portion control containers. Let me explain this. You will receive with this program, the 21-day diet program and 7 colored portion control containers that you will prepare your meals in.
These containers will help you control how much you eat of different food groups and you will consume just what your body needs to stay healthy on this program. You will not be tempted to overeat.

By using these containers, and following the plan you will never have to count calories in everything you put in your mouth. To read our full 21 day review to learn more about it.

With the PiYo Program, use will be given a nutritional food plan that is easy to follow. This is determined by questions that you fill out in their diet guide. It works with 5 different groups of foods.

angieb piyo weight loss
The groups include: primary veggies, secondary veggies and grains, fruit, lean protein and healthy fats.

You will have 3 main meals, 2-3 snacks every 2.5 hours. By eating something every 2.5 hrs., your metabolism is always working.

PiYo vs 21 Day Fix: Kinds of Exercises and Equipment Used

With the 21 Day Fix, you will have 6 different 30-minute workouts to follow. Each workout concentrates on 6 different parts of the body.
They are the upper body, resistance exercises, lower body, cardio, aerobic, some pilates and yoga.

With this workout you will sometimes use light weights.
The 30-minute workouts were created to help tone your body while burning unwanted fat and strengthen your cardio vascular system.

You will be pumping oxygen rich blood to all parts of your body so naturally your endurance will increase, and the fat will melt away and you will achieve that lean, mean look you are after.

Try PiYo if you are more familiar with yoga and pilates but sometimes it just doesn’t move as fast as you would like. This entire workout is built around yoga and pilates, these two styles of exercise are done at a fast pace without the extended poses.

The Pilate moves will strengthen your back and inner core while the yoga will increase your flexibility, tone muscle, burn fat and all of this is done by keeping you moving at a fact and effective pace.

You will not need any type of equipment with PiYo. You may want to use a yoga mat, but it is not necessary. Just do what makes you comfortable. For more details on PiYo read the full review here.

Is 21 Day Fix Really Just 21 Days?

21 day fix ab workout

This is called the 21 Day Diet because basically, it will normally take you 21 days to form a new habit of a healthier way of eating along with the exercise regime. There is nothing preventing you from starting another 21 Day run after you finish the first one.

You are continuing to eat healthy and get the proper exercise for weighty loss and forming a new way of life. Keep after it until you reach your weight loss goal and then continue because you want to keep you body fit for life.

How Long Does The PiYo Diet Last?

The PiYo Diet is also going to help you control your eating and help you lose weight. You can continue as long as you want on the program. The workouts are low impact and are great for people with limited mobility, but they are intense.

You may have a permanent injury that limits your motions, this would be the workout for you. You will not use any weights and there is no jumping around with your arms and legs flying in the air.

This workout will not destroy your body but help strengthen it. Best results are within 60-90 days.

Have You Made Up Your Mind Yet?

Since there is no miracle for weight loss in either PiYo or 21 Day Fix, you probably realize it will take your dedication for either of them to work.
Both are proven programs, easy to follow and will create weight loss, it boils down to a personal preference.

Top Questions and Answers

1.I hate counting calories, which program is best for me?
Ans. The 21 Day Fix would be your best bet with the portion control containers.

2. I had knee surgery a year ago, can I do either program?
Ans: I would suggest PiYo for you since it is low-impact

3. I don’t feel like I’ve worked out if I don’t sweat, should I go with 21 Day Fix?
Ans. You would be a good match with 21 Day Fix as the exercises are intense for those who don’t have any physical restrictions. You will also use some weights.

4. Is there A Schedule to Print Out and Follow?

Answer: Yes there is a 21 day fix calendar and there is a PiYo Calendar to follow for each day of the week.

The Final Decision

In a nut shell, with PiYo you will lose weight, do low impact exercises, you will be encouraged and motivated with this inexpensive, proven program.

The 21 Day Fix will help you break old habits and form new ones, lose weight by focusing on both diet and exercise and it offers helpful tools.

Personally, I'm doing the PiYo until my shoulder is all healed and then I want to do the 21 Day Fix. Good luck on your decision, just get out there and dedicate yourself to success.

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